


Masters At Delivering Excellence


  • Alana Weinroth

    22/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Alana works full time doing fundraising for Covenant House California, a homeless shelter for transitional aged youth. She also is a part time yoga teacher, and created the Give A Damn community this year, which includes a podcast and apparel, all with the focus on caring for your community and yourself.

  • Chris cotton

    15/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    Born and raised in Hyattsville, MD, Chris Cotton always had a keen awareness of discovery and adventure. Now 31, he's taken his sense of discovery to Los Angeles, CA to find his calling in the spiritual & healing arts. In summer 2014, he realized he plays a significant part of bridging the gap of LGBT + Faith. He began a movement called One Love in order to spiritually awaken & enlighten those connected to the community. At the end of 2015, he released his first publication, Receive this Moment: The Gift that Keeps on Giving. Now currently, he devotes his time as a graphic designer at OneChurchLA, and is continuing to build transformative art show experiences to stimulate, educate & bring forth the authentic heart of humanity.


    30/05/2020 Duration: 01h37s

    Eric Rias is a coach, podcaster, advocate and pretend writer, born and raised in queens New York. Since moving to California to get sober, he started his fitness and lifestyle coaching business, BigMood. He is also the host of Hearts Over Everything, a podcast dedicated to personal development and healthy living. In 2019 he released his first work book, 7 steps to setting intention for your health, wellness and mindset “Being sober isn’t everything but it’s shaped the lense through which I view the world” Eric is just trying to turn nothing into something and live a life of service! Make changes please, just did that real quick. Make it your own


    23/05/2020 Duration: 01h29s

    An anointed Prophet, Psalmist, Teacher, Philanthropist, Community Activist and Pastor, Pastor Keith McQueen has been chosen of God for such a time as this. He is the Founder and Senior Pastor of the multicultural congregation known as Powerhouse Church of Indianapolis Inc. Powerhouse Church of Indianapolis is a culturally diverse ministry that offers restoration to the WHOLE PERSON, Spirit, Soul and Body.

  • This week we talk about the struggles of being burnt out!

    20/08/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Benny Torres is the producer of, Hearts Over Everything podcast, church worship leader, chef, and recovering addict.


    01/07/2019 Duration: 38min

    Ryan Navarez designer of Disciple and trailblazer in the fashion industry share his story! @disciplebynev


    28/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    MADE PODCAST Vol.3 Guest Eric Rias @eric_bigmoodcoach | Mindset Coach | Author of Think Fit Eric Rias, a New York native and San Diego transplant, has dedicated his life to fitness and recovery and uses his unique and honest experience to help people breakthrough the blocks that stop them from having the level of health they desire. Through his coaching, podcasts and writing he wants to do anything he can to help people breakthrough. Healthy free and dignified

  • Discover | Develop

    17/03/2019 Duration: 42min

    Vol.2 MADE PODCAST | Guest host Cesare Orlando interviews Kevin Francis on the meaning of Discover & Develop

  • MADE VOL.1

    15/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    Get Ready for MADE PODCAST first episode featuring Summer Smith inspiring news anchor and reporter shares her story on mastering excellence in her field! MADE PODCAST an up and coming podcast to Challenge your way of thinking. With the 4 Ds Discover Define Develop Display